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Writer's picture: worrwascprocecloriworrwascproceclori

Almighty and all merciful God, create me a new heart. Throughout the week You have reassured me in the scripture from the prophet Jeremiah of Your everlasting love. Give me the grace today to have a pure, clean, undivided heart. A heart that is always pleasing to You, not a divided heart. Give me a mind and heart that thinks and sees as You do. Because I am human I always seem to struggle to think as You do. Assist me to see my blind spots. If You wish, you can allow me to grow in grace to see things as You do, to see things in a much wider and broader view. I ask this in the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen.ugust

Uldyssian had destroyed the Triune, but the Cathedral of Light was next. After Uldyssian's Edyrem clashed with and destroyed Inarius's inquisitors, Inarius finally descended from his tower and confronted Uldyssian and his army. Inarius first used his overwhelming presence as an angel in an attempt to convert the Edyrem to his side. Uldyssian quickly used his bond to the edyrem to flush them with confidence and outsmarted Inarius. Both Uldyssian and Inarius used magic leading up to and during the battle but when facing each other one on one, they simply relied on infusing their bodies with magic and brawling. Even though Inarius was bonded to the Worldstone and therefore exponentially more powerful than a normal angel, Uldyssian could hold his own. This caused Inarius to lose confidence and slowly he gave way to Uldyssian's attacks. As they fought, there was a tear in the sky as the Heavenly Host finally entered Sanctuary. In his madness, Inarius was only concerned with destroying Uldyssian no matter what cost and therefore ignored the armies of angels. Uldyssian was distracted by the armies and Inarius seized the opportunity. Inarius grabbed the human ready to strike the final blow but just as he was about to, Uldyssian's entire body infused with energy. Inarius sensed Uldyssian was doing something drastic and he was right. Uldyssian changed the very essence of the Worldstone, destroying the bond it shared with Inarius. Without his bond to the Worldstone, Inarius was drastically weaker and Uldyssian easily defeated him, capturing him in a prison. Afterwards, Uldyssian sent both angels and demons from Sanctuary and the Angiris Council convened to decide the fate of the nephalem as well as Inarius. The Council agreed to an armistice between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells to allow time for the nephalem to mature and decide for themselves which side they would aid in their own free will. In this deal, Inarius was also taken into Mephisto's custody, presumably to be tortured for all eternity.[2]

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By this article, I can only presume that the only character flaw you see in Lady Macbeth is a guilty conscience. Nobody disputes that Jezebel was a powerful woman, brutally and autocratically advancing her ambitions through her husband, or that she was zealous in the faith of her childhood. It goes completely against the text with no justification to suppose that she held religious plurality and tolerance as ideals; the massacre of Hebrew prophets and suppression of the native religion seem perfectly in line with her character, even as interpreted here. Similarly, the incident with the vineyard of Naboth does not stretch credulity nearly as much as you assert; show trials are clearly possible to orchestrate in autocratic states.

These events are the possible events that are going to occur over the coming week/s. Beware that rewards shown here are only a guess of what the actual event rewards might be or they are the rewards that were offered the last time event was on. Currently leaks regarding the next event appear on Idle Heroes offical facebook Tuesdays approx.

NOTE: the rewards shown here are old event rewards and placeholder examples only. If Chinese new year event did not start the week before if might be here due to china celebrating this festival for over a week with places shutting down this might be a 2 week event. This will either be the 2 week or the start of the 2 weeks. New hero may be released.

In vulgar use the name "prophet" has degeneratedto the meaning of "one who foretells the future." Ofthis meaning it is, perhaps, the first duty of everystudent of prophecy earnestly and stubbornly to ridhimself. In its native Greek tongue "prophet" meant[Pg 12]not "one who speaks before," but "one who speaksfor, or on behalf of, another." At the Delphicoracle "The Prophētēs" was the title of the official,who received the utterances of the frenzied Pythonessand expounded them to the people;[17] but Plato saysthat this is a misuse of the word, and that the trueprophet is the inspired person himself, he who is incommunication with the Deity and who speaks directlyfor the Deity.[18] So Tiresias, the seer, is called byPindar the "prophet" or "interpreter of Zeus,"[19] andPlato even styles poets "the prophets of the Muses."[20]It is in this sense that we must think of the "prophet"of the Old Testament. He is a speaker forGod. The sharer of God's counsels, as Amos callshim, he becomes the bearer and preacher of God'sWord. Prediction of the future is only a part, and[Pg 13]often a subordinate and accidental part, of an officewhose full function is to declare the character andthe will of God. But the prophet does this in nosystematic or abstract form. He brings his revelationpoint by point, and in connection with some occasionin the history of his people, or some phase of theircharacter. He is not a philosopher nor a theologian witha system of doctrine (at least before Ezekiel), but themessenger and herald of God at some crisis in the lifeor conduct of His people. His message is never outof touch with events. These form either the subject-matteror the proof or the execution of every oraclehe utters. It is, therefore, God not merely as Truth,but far more as Providence, whom the prophet reveals.And although that Providence includes the full destinyof Israel and mankind, the prophet brings the news ofit, for the most part, piece by piece, with reference tosome present sin or duty, or some impending crisis orcalamity. Yet he does all this, not merely because theword needed for the day has been committed to himby itself, and as if he were only its mechanical vehicle;but because he has come under the overwhelmingconviction of God's presence and of His character, aconviction often so strong that God's word breaksthrough him and God speaks in the first person to thepeople.

The long life of Elisha fell to its rest on themargin of the eighth century.[55] He had seenmuch evil upon Israel. The people were smitten inall their coasts. None of their territory across Jordanwas left to them; and not only Hazael and his Syrians,but bands of their own former subjects, the Moabites,periodically raided Western Palestine, up to the verygates of Samaria.[56] Such a state of affairs determinedthe activity of the last of the older prophets. Elishaspent his life in the duties of the national defence, andin keeping alive the spirit of Israel against her foes.When he died they called him Israel's chariot and thehorsemen thereof,[57] so incessant had been both hismilitary vigilance[58] and his political insight.[59] ButElisha was able to leave behind him the promise ofa new day of victory.[60] It was in the peace and libertyof this day that Israel rose a step in civilisation; thatprophecy, released from the defence, became the criticism,of the national life; and that the people, nolonger absorbed in their own borders, looked out, and[Pg 32]for the first time realised the great world, of whichthey were only a part.

It was when the reign of Jeroboam was at its heightof assured victory, when the nation's prosperity seemedimpregnable after the survival of those physical calamities,when the worship and the commerce were in full coursethroughout the land, that the first of the new prophetsbroke out against Israel in the name of Jehovah,threatening judgment alike upon the new civilisation[Pg 43]of which they were so proud and the old religion inwhich they were so confident. These prophets wereinspired by feelings of the purest morality, by thepassionate conviction that God could no longer bearsuch impurity and disorder. But, as we have seen,no prophet in Israel ever worked on the basis ofprinciples only. He came always in alliance withevents. These first appeared in the shape of the greatphysical disasters. But a more powerful instrument ofProvidence, in the service of judgment, was appearingon the horizon. This was the Assyrian Empire.So vast was its influence on prophecy that we mustdevote to it a separate chapter.

By far the greatest event in the eighth centurybefore Christ was the appearance of Assyria inPalestine. To Israel since the Exodus and Conquest,nothing had happened capable of so enormous aninfluence at once upon their national fortunes and theirreligious development. But while the Exodus andConquest had advanced the political and spiritual progressof Israel in equal proportion, the effect of theAssyrian invasion was to divorce these two interests,and destroy the state while it refined and confirmedthe religion. After permitting the Northern Kingdomto reach an extent and splendour unrivalled sincethe days of Solomon, Assyria overthrew it in 721and left all Israel scarcely a third of their formermagnitude. But while Assyria proved so disastrousto the state, her influence upon the prophecy of theperiod was little short of creative. Humanly speaking,this highest stage of Israel's religion could not havebeen achieved by the prophets except in alliance withthe armies of that heathen empire. Before then we turnto their pages it may be well for us to make clear inwhat directions Assyria performed this spiritual servicefor Israel. While pursuing this inquiry we may beable to find answers to the scarcely less important[Pg 45]questions: why the prophets were at first doubtful ofthe part Assyria was destined to play in the providenceof the Almighty? and why, when the prophets wereat last convinced of the certainty of Israel's overthrow,the statesmen of Israel and the bulk of the people stillremained so unconcerned about her coming, or sosanguine of their power to resist her? This requires,to begin with, a summary of the details of the Assyrianadvance upon Palestine. 2ff7e9595c

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